The Craniofacial Centre was inspired by Sunil Sah who had returned from the UK for his summer holiday. It was built in the summer of 2017 by him and a group of local doctors and dentists, who like so many from Janakpur, had left to build their lives elsewhere in Nepal due to the very poor economic conditions in the region. It was an addition to the Janakpur Trauma and Orthopaedic Hospital with whom we shared facilities. The aim of the Craniofacial Center was and is to provide high-quality patient care at low or no cost, providing free treatment to the large number of very poor people of this region. The population of Province 2 is around 6 million. It shares its border with India, the northern part of Bihar, which has a population of around 66 million. As there are no other designated craniofacial hospitals in Province 2 or the north of Bihar, our Centre has major potential and scope to cater to the needs of this large population. We started to build a new facility just before the onslaught of Covid at the beginning of 2020, and despite the major challenges this caused, we were able to largely complete the building and commission it in mid-2021. The new facilities have excellent access to the main connecting roads in Province. Building Faces Building Futures Professor Tony Markus and Mr Sunil Sah The Craniofacial Center not only focusses on treating patients suffering from various craniofacial deformities but importantly on training the local surgeons and allied professionals so that they are competent enough to deliver high quality of treatment the patients deserve. We completed all building work during 2022 and this was achieved. The new CFC hospital is not far from previous hospital. It provides us with a dedicated 25-bedded hospital. All our equipment in the old hospital was transferred to the new facility and we have added considerably to our kit. The ground floor consists of an eight-bed ward as well as out-patient facilities. There is a fully furnished dental surgery so as to provide oral and dental surgery support to our local communities, all provided by local dental surgeons. Additionally, there is a reception area, two consulting rooms, a room to house our new CT scanner and administration offices. The entire first floor contains the very wellequipped large operating theatre and 8 bedded level II supportive care (post-op recovery). The oxygen pipeline is connected to 20 beds and 6 oxygen concentrators provide extra support in addition to our bottled gases. Emergency electricity backup is maintained 24 hours with support of a generator. The second floor contains further beds and changing facilities for staff. On the third, there is a kitchen and small dining area and the reinstated medical library, all books having been provided by Book Aid International from the UK. The fourth floor provides accommodation for the resident medical officer and visitors. On the very top is housed washing machines and other domestic equipment.